This evening I went to a seminar called "Homeschooling through High School". We're not quite there yet, but as I found out today with a 7th grader, it is time to start planning. I had this funny feeling in my stomach the whole time. Don't know if it was excitement or fear. Really. I didn't feel afraid, but the more the speaker talked about record keeping, college credits, God's purpose for my child's future, high school transcripts, record keeping, Algebra II, Chemistry, financial aid, grants, scholarships, (did I say record keeping??) the greater this funny feeling in my stomach grew. Don't know if it was nausea or butterflies. My baby is growing up.
Then on the other hand, I just celebrated the cutting of a first tooth this week. Baby is 7 months old and we are experiencing with her: crawling, standing up in the crib, attitude, the word "ma ma", funny faces, eating real food, "no no" training, smiles, and did I say attitude. (Smile) As I record these little milestones in my journal, I think....."My baby is growing up."
I can't help but smile as I think of my all my babies and how they are all growing up. The Lord has truly been gracious to me. Gotta enjoy this season; with it's record keeping, attitudes, and all.
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