Jesus is such an awesome encourager. I mean, He IS the Word made flesh, but in reading Acts and the story of Paul's conversion as told by himself to King Agrippa, I was suddenly reaquainted with the word BUT, and the power of it when spoken from the mouth of God. Paul was a horrible persecuter of the early believers of Christ. He threw them in prisom, chased them to foreign cities, and voted for their death by stoning. He made the naming of Jesus, a crime.
The Lord reminds Saul of this, as He reveals Himself to him on the road to Damascus. And the Lord said, "I am Jesus whom you are persecuting." vs. 15. However, at this point the Lord uses the most powerful and significant word that He has spoken to any of us that have ever lived a life as an enemy of God.( Note: that would be......All of us *smile*)BUT rise stand to your feet for I have appeared to you for this purpose,". vs. 16. I am certain that Saul was relieved to hear these words. Jesus did not ignore the fact that Paul had sinned against Him, but despite Saul's very recent past, He willingly called Saul to a new life in Him. That word, BUT, followed by the Lord's purpose for Saul's (soon to be Paul's) life, changed his course . Now we owe to Paul, two-thirds of the New Testament and an example of faithful discipleship in Jesus.
The Lord reminds Saul of this, as He reveals Himself to him on the road to Damascus. And the Lord said, "I am Jesus whom you are persecuting." vs. 15. However, at this point the Lord uses the most powerful and significant word that He has spoken to any of us that have ever lived a life as an enemy of God.( Note: that would be......All of us *smile*)BUT rise stand to your feet for I have appeared to you for this purpose,". vs. 16. I am certain that Saul was relieved to hear these words. Jesus did not ignore the fact that Paul had sinned against Him, but despite Saul's very recent past, He willingly called Saul to a new life in Him. That word, BUT, followed by the Lord's purpose for Saul's (soon to be Paul's) life, changed his course . Now we owe to Paul, two-thirds of the New Testament and an example of faithful discipleship in Jesus.
BUT. As I approach my 16th spiritual birthday, I am thinking back on how that word has altered my life. I was an enemy of God, living for myself, a fornicator, a hater, selfish, a liar, a brawler , a curser, a drunkard, a glutton, unfaithful, un-loving..... the list could go on and on. BUT GOD. But He appeared to me for this purpose: to make me His daughter, a women of faith, a loving, supportive, and faithful wife, a gentle and nurturing mother, an encourager, a servant, a life-giver, a friend, a truth seeker, a truth speaker, gracious, loving, a woman that fears Him, a woman of peace.........the list could go on and on by His abundant grace. Praise be to God for His mercy and His love toward us. I am so very thankful that the Lord would look at my sins, call me to repentance, and by the power of His word speak life over me. How humbling to think that God would make my life to bring Him glory and cause others to know Him and to find their place among those that are sanctified by faith in Him. He is an awesome God!!!
How has the word BUT , spoken from the Lord's mouth, altered your life? I would love to hear how Christ has altered your direction, your purpose, your plans, your family tree. Please share.
1 comment:
Awesome post..."But God"....I was a sinner on my way to hell..."BUT"!!...how satisfying it is to know that in spite of the devastating turns that I decided to take, even after growing up in the church as a PK,... he was standing there in the face of my accuser saying..."But"..."I have need of her"....He truly is wonderful and his mercies never-ending...I enjoyed the post my sister and look forward to the following to come.
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