Have you ever been guilty of "kicking against the pricks"? I know, it sounds weird, but I can't help it, I love King James (KJV) lingo! But anyway, have you? been guilty of kicking against the pricks? A prick is just basically something that is sharp and pokey. It hurts if you are poked or stabbed with it, but it sho' nuf' hurts if you kick against it.
I have been guilty of this. It doesn't feel good. So are you: Trying to make something work that you know the Lord did not tell you to make work; Stepping out of your season or your place trying to do someone else's job.....leaving your job undone; Trying to push something through, while your ignoring the Holy Spirit's warning? Trying to be everything to everybody....(you know you are not God).
Are you guilty? STOP IT!! Cause it hurts! Now, bandage up your toes, and find the joy and the rest in embracing your season, listening to the Holy Spirit's promptings, and letting God be God!
Love ya,
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