Monday, February 14, 2011

Day 21: Gotta get back on the Wagon!

Well........I knew that one of these posts would be apart of this 90 Days of Transformation. Although things are going really well with P90X and with our bible reading, in the past week I have fallen away from my daily food journals with Weight Watchers. Like I said in a previous post, journaling helps me stay on track and when I don't stick with it, I usually stray from my goals. In other words, I just eat what I want. As of last week, I had lost another pound and a half, which would be a total of 5.5 pounds. Not bad, but I probably gained some this week. We shall see. Tuesday is the day, I weigh myself.

So what usually happens at this point is, I just throw in the towel and stop trying. You know, have a pity party, just me, myself, and some neopolitan ice cream. But, I'm going to choose a different route this time. And by the way, I do need the Lord's help in this area. For some people it may seem a bit much, but this is an area in my life I have struggled with for some time. So, I am getting back on the wagon. Tomorrow I will see what damage I've done and go from there.

New Testament

This has been a great joy, thus far. I have switched from reading my chronological bible to reading the plan my family is on. It has been interesting listening to the bible dramatized on CD. Something I have started is using our bible reading as the children's subject for writing class. I am using a curriculum called the Institute for Excellence in Writing. You can use this writing plan with any subject. With the bible I am choosing a passage, like Jesus calming the sea. We read it together, write a key word outline, and based on that outline the children write the passage in their own words. We are not re-writing the bible, but the children are getting an opportunity to become intimately acquainted with the Word and then explain it in their own words. With the gospels in particular, I don't want them to gloss over the words of Jesus, the miracles He performed, or the example He lived. We can all do that sometimes. So my prayer is that God through His Holy Spirit, will open up the "reality" of Who our Lord was and is, and that my children will learn of Him and learn to love Him.

I'll be back soon!

Thursday, February 3, 2011

"I will Never Thirst Again"

I thirst for Your Life,
Your Life You give
I thirst for Your Peace,
In me to Live
I thirst for You,
More to Know
I thirst and Believe,
From within me,
Your Living Waters flow
Lisa R. Hill

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Day 8

3rd Post

This is Day 8 on our 90 Day journey.

Reading is going well. It is fun when the whole family is involved. My children received of gift of the whole bible narrated and dramatized on CD. So they are listeneing to their daily reading and following along in their bibles. I like seeing them motivated and excited about hearing the Word of God.

We are reading the Gospels right now. Learning about Jesus' early ministry. I have always loved the story of Jesus and the woman at the well (John 4:1-45). Why? Well, not only was she a Samaritan, which the Jews "hated" and considered unclean, basically dogs, but she was also not a woman with a clean past. She had had 5 previous husbands and the man she was with at the time, was not her husband. Most men of this time, would not have risked their reputation being alone with her anywhere. But the Lord, said he had to go to that well. He knew she would be there. He gave to her, "Living Water". I so relate with her. Thank God that He accepts us where we are, and He is not worried about what the "church folks" are going to say. He desires us and wants to give us real life, to take away our shame, to call us His own, and give us His name! I understand the Samarian woman's excitement. "Come see a man, that told me all I ever did! Could this be the Christ", she exclaimed to the towns people. I love Him. He has completely changed my life and continues to change my heart! If you don't know Him, I urge you, just as the Samaritan woman did, "Come and see this Man!"

Weight Watchers/P90X Lean: 4 pd. weight loss in first week.

All is well! We finished a week of P90X! Yipee! Started a new week today. The workouts are hard, but they are fun too! They change exercises frequently, so it keeps it interesting. I am still sore from the legs and back routine and that was Friday. Oh yeah, I am doing P90X Lean because I am wanting maximum weight loss. So it is heavier on cardio and a little lighter on the strength/resistance training. It is still no joke!

I love WW on line. The journaling is what is helping me successful. I like the new points system as opposed to the old one. Later this week, I plan to post some recipes! I think I have found a breakfast favorite! And after one week, I have lost 4 pounds! So excited!