I was awakened this morning by two little feet, pressing into my side. Laylah was doing her usual morning stretch, only this time she was in the bed with Mommy. Since the clocks in my hotel room are blinking the wrong time, I decided to turn on the t.v. to catch the morning news and find out what time it was. This leads to some channel surfing: a little news, a little exercise promo, a little TLC. You get the idea. Finally, I feed Laylah, get her cleaned up and dressed and then myself, and prepare to go downstairs to catch breakfast. Before I go, I stop to kneel at the bed and FINALLy acknowledge God. I ask Him to direct my steps this weekend and help me to be wise with this rare and special time.
So here I am. We've eaten breakfast. Laylah is taking her morning nap. It's just me and the Lord. And I am always amazed at the intimacy of the Lord. How he knows me so well and is so faithful to speak to my heart the encouragement that it needs.
I felt led to listen to Nancy Leigh De Moss at http://www.reviveourhearts.com/ . She is teaching a series on the Life of Joshua; about how the Lord set before His people blessings and cursings, life and death. While listening to the message and taking notes, I was taken aback. She began sharing from Deuteromy 30:15-20. The message was good, but now I am alert , the Lord has definitely got my attention.
See, some months ago the Lord impressed this scripture on my heart. I told my husband that this was the scripture that I needed to focus on in this season in my life. "I call heaven and earth to record this day against you, [that] I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing: therefore choose life, that both thou and thy seed may live: " Deut 30:19. Since then through different people, messages, and His word this same scripture has been repetively set before me.
God has given me the desire to be a life giver. I say this because, if left to myself, I can be a bit pessimistic and a complainer. But when God gets a hold of your heart things are not what they used to be. Praise God! I thank God for being a woman and the privilege of being a vessel to bring life into the world, but in all that I do, in my daily life as a wife and mother, and when I encounter others along the way, I want to impart the life of God. It's practical and real and relevant to every area of our lives. From how we show love and compassion to our little ones when they break a dish for the third time in one week, to how we handle conflict with family, friends, and c0-workers, to how we love our spouses. This will be my legacy to my daughters and sons, and my grandchildren when I am a little old lady some day.
Well, I have my direction for the weekend. Can't wait to see what else the Lord has to say. Gotta go Babycakes is waking from her nap.
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