I'm not "just" a mom. I'm passing on a legacy. I'm raising up men and women of God, who will in turn raise up the standard in their generation. On the daily, it may LOOK mundane: washing dishes, changing diapers, doing laundry, wiping noses; but daily, I'm shoring up their confidence, helping them overcome fears, providing security. I'm laying a foundation, I'm pulling up weeds, I'm available. I'm listening, I'm planning, I'm strategizing, I'm on my knees.I'm pointing them to the One who holds their future in His hands. I'm laughing. I'm crying. I'm living life, but not for me. I'm pouring it all out and Christ fills me up again. I lost my life, but no identity crisis here. I'm not lacking ambition and "Yes, I do work." I'm fulfulling a role that no one else can fulfill. I'm called and annointed by God to be in this PLACE. I'm passing on His legacy. I'm not lacking in purpose and neither am I bored. My mind is not wasting; its being renewed, my character refined, and my love being stretched. I love my job. Thank you God for making me a wife and a mom.
Friday, August 20, 2010
Saturday, January 30, 2010
2010 Goals: Exceeding the fear
2009 was an interesting year: Lots of tests and trials, some pruning of my character and boosting of my confidence. 2010 has started off being a test of faith and trust in my God. I pray I can have the obedience and fear of the Lord as Abraham did (Gen 22). As he was commanded by God to sacrifice his son, his only son, Isaac, he seemed to obey without wavering. But, I wonder, if in his heart, there was any fear that this test of his faith would cause him to lose his son, his only son, whom he loved. I don't know. The bible doesn't record Abraham's feelings other than he loved his son. But I do know that it's okay if the physical symptoms of fear tried to rise up because despite any feelings that he might have had, he determinedly obeyed the voice of His God.
Do you have any fears that are facing you in 2010? Fear of success, fear of failure, fear of love, fear of loneliness? Fear of change, fear of staying the same? Fear of going, fear of staying?If so, I just want to declare with you as I declare to myself that it doesn't matter if that fear rears its ugly head, when you are determined to obey the voice of God in your life at all cost. For God has not given us the spirit of fear, but of love, and of power, and of a sound mind. 2 Tim 1:7
My Goals for 2010 ( or this season):
1. To go deeper in my relationships with God, family, and friends.
2. To organize my home and house: establish routines and declutter
3. To love my children as if I won't have them tomorrow and train them as if they won't have me.
4. To learn and acquire better conflict resolution skills: this is a marriage and life goal for me.
(just trying to keep it real)
5. Love myself: You can't love your neighbor if you don't love yourself.
a. Honoring the woman that God made me to be
b. Fulfill His calling in my life to heal the broken-hearted with mercy and love.
c. Exercise daily: have already lost 24 pounds (last time I checked)
d. Feed my body good food!
e. Feed my mind with good books!
6. To love, serve, and bless the socks off my husband this year!!!!
Father, I commit these desires and goals to you. I need your guidance and your strength, and your consistent love to grow. I admit that I demand my way a lot. Father, forgive me and continue to purge this branch, that I might bear fruit for you. I love you. Amen
Saturday, January 23, 2010
What I learned in 2009!!
Things I learned in 2009:
1. To love the woman God has made me to be.
2. To tell my husband when I need a break. It is not his responsibility to "read my mind". Only I can tell Him when I have reached my "emotional" limit.
3. God's grace is a beautifying agent: It teaches me to love godliness and sobriety! It makes me lovely.
4. That taking care of my husband and children is not a reason or an excuse to let myself go. Beginning in October, I began to seek out people in my life whom I trusted and asked them to help me make some major changes in my life. For the past 4 years I have been overweight and unable to muster any lasting motivation to change. But through the help of a close friend and my Natureopathic doctor, I have begun to exercise regularly and dramatically change my eating habits. I've been at it since mid November. I feel wonderful and I am having fun setting goals for myself!
5. That I like my hair short!
6. I enjoy my marriage most when I am encouraging and supporting my man: not being critical and nit-picky!
7. I am most fulfilled when I am embracing my season in life. Right now I am nurturing, training, and loving the future of this nation and this world. Pretty sure, that's right up there with being President of the United States.
8. I love educating my children at home! Do we get on each other's nerves sometimes? Yeah... but there is honestly no one else in the world I would rather spend my days with. And I do mean spend! I am completely and utterly spent at the end of each day! But it is worth it.
9. I don't like adversity, but God uses it refine me! So I can give thanks for the fruit of adversity! 2009 was definitely the refiners fire for us. But I can truly say that it has brought a purity to our marriage, our parenting, and our heart towards God.
10. In September the Lord gave me a charge and set me back on the right path. The charge was to raise the B.A.R. Believe Abide Renew! That's a whole other blog, but it is definitely where I am right now. Believing in His word and in His promises. Abiding in Him daily is what keeps me sane, keeps me in strength, and keeps me going. Renewing my mind keeps my heart filled with His truth.
11. Knowing the details of my journey is not a prerequisite to obeying the first step. Obedience is worship!
Thursday, January 14, 2010
Are You Kicking Against the Pricks?
Have you ever been guilty of "kicking against the pricks"? I know, it sounds weird, but I can't help it, I love King James (KJV) lingo! But anyway, have you? been guilty of kicking against the pricks? A prick is just basically something that is sharp and pokey. It hurts if you are poked or stabbed with it, but it sho' nuf' hurts if you kick against it.
I have been guilty of this. It doesn't feel good. So are you: Trying to make something work that you know the Lord did not tell you to make work; Stepping out of your season or your place trying to do someone else's job.....leaving your job undone; Trying to push something through, while your ignoring the Holy Spirit's warning? Trying to be everything to everybody....(you know you are not God).
Are you guilty? STOP IT!! Cause it hurts! Now, bandage up your toes, and find the joy and the rest in embracing your season, listening to the Holy Spirit's promptings, and letting God be God!
Love ya,
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