2009 was an interesting year: Lots of tests and trials, some pruning of my character and boosting of my confidence. 2010 has started off being a test of faith and trust in my God. I pray I can have the obedience and fear of the Lord as Abraham did (Gen 22). As he was commanded by God to sacrifice his son, his only son, Isaac, he seemed to obey without wavering. But, I wonder, if in his heart, there was any fear that this test of his faith would cause him to lose his son, his only son, whom he loved. I don't know. The bible doesn't record Abraham's feelings other than he loved his son. But I do know that it's okay if the physical symptoms of fear tried to rise up because despite any feelings that he might have had, he determinedly obeyed the voice of His God.
Do you have any fears that are facing you in 2010? Fear of success, fear of failure, fear of love, fear of loneliness? Fear of change, fear of staying the same? Fear of going, fear of staying?If so, I just want to declare with you as I declare to myself that it doesn't matter if that fear rears its ugly head, when you are determined to obey the voice of God in your life at all cost. For God has not given us the spirit of fear, but of love, and of power, and of a sound mind. 2 Tim 1:7
My Goals for 2010 ( or this season):
1. To go deeper in my relationships with God, family, and friends.
2. To organize my home and house: establish routines and declutter
3. To love my children as if I won't have them tomorrow and train them as if they won't have me.
4. To learn and acquire better conflict resolution skills: this is a marriage and life goal for me.
(just trying to keep it real)
5. Love myself: You can't love your neighbor if you don't love yourself.
a. Honoring the woman that God made me to be
b. Fulfill His calling in my life to heal the broken-hearted with mercy and love.
c. Exercise daily: have already lost 24 pounds (last time I checked)
d. Feed my body good food!
e. Feed my mind with good books!
6. To love, serve, and bless the socks off my husband this year!!!!
Father, I commit these desires and goals to you. I need your guidance and your strength, and your consistent love to grow. I admit that I demand my way a lot. Father, forgive me and continue to purge this branch, that I might bear fruit for you. I love you. Amen
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