You know there comes a time in life when you need to write your own review. Let me explain. This year we are trying a completely different home school curriculum and at first I was feeling a little uneasy about it because it just wasn't my style. See, ever since Justus was 2 years old I have been scouring the home school catalogs and websites for the best of the best curriculum. I have read many books and attended many workshops trying to find the best homeschooling philosophy to follow. Reading reviews by authors, other home school moms, and magazine editors. Reading the reviews really had an impact on whether I would purchase a certain book or not. Well, after we decided on our curriculum for the year, I went out there to all the reviews again, only to find that some people absolutely loved it and others utterly hated it!! Ugh! What to do? I really wanted the assurance that this curriculum would work for my family. When I mentioned this situation to Jonathan, he said,"Well, after we try it, we'll write our own review!" Wow! Suddenly my eyes were opened. How would I ever really know if this curriculum was a good fit for my family, if I didn't try it for myself first.
In other areas of my life I find myself doing the same thing; Looking for others approval of what I should do about this or that. How to cook, how to raise my children, how to be a pastor's wife, how to love my husband, how to schedule my day. Now don't get me wrong, I believe in gleaning wisdom from the mature people that God has placed in my life, but there just comes a time when I need to have confidence in that fact that the Lord is working in my life. There comes a season to acknowledge the Lord's grace and purpose for your life and walk in it. It's good and wise to eat the fruit of wisdom from others lives: but at some point it's time to bear your own fruit and allow your life to be a field that others can glean wisdom from. It's time to write my own review.
Thank you to my hubby, Jonathan, and my new friend, Dorsharica Jefferson for opening my eyes with your encouraging words. And by the way, in December I will be writing that curriculum review.
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